Thursday, February 16, 2012

Man Order Priciest Starbucks Drink

Ahh, Starbucks. Land of the $4 cappuccino ... and $23.60 Frappuccino? That's the final tally one man managed to ring up on his quest to order the most expensive Starbucks drink ever. Logan Warren started by requesting the largest size beverage, the 31-ounce Trenta. Into it went a Java Chip Frappuccino, enhanced with plenty of that'll-cost-you-add-ons: 16 shots of espresso, soy milk, caramel, banana and strawberry purees, vanilla beans, and Matcha and protein powders, all topped with a bit of caramel and mocha.
If that sounds gross, well, Warren went so far as to explain on Geek on more

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