Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pen Still Works after 25 Years

Have you ever heard the energizer bunny mantra:  "Takes a licking, but keeps on ticking"?  This usually refers to batteries, but in this case, it was a pen.  It would be hard enough to believe that a pen would work after 25 years, even in normal circumstances, but after being in a woman's stomach all that time?

A 76 year-old, British woman was sent to a GI specialist when she began to suffer various symptoms including weight loss.  With a few diagnostic tests, the doctor concluded that she had a linear-shaped object in her stomach.  It was then that the woman remembered having accidently swallowed a black felt-tip pen a quarter century ago.

Upon inspection of the decidedly corroded pen after removal from her stomach, it was determined that the pen still had ink in it and could be used for writing.

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