Monday, August 22, 2011

Okra Seed Coffee

Did you know that you can make a coffee substitute from okra seed?  During the Civil War, coffee was a scarce commodity, especially for southerners whose food supplies were being blocked by Northern forces. 

Here is an excerpt from a letter sent in from a reader, H.A. Terry of Crescent City, Iowa, that was published in the March 1862 issue of Nebraska Farmer.  He wrote:

"During these [Civil] War times, when real coffee is worth 25 to 33 cts. per pound, it is necessary for farmers, and farmers wives to cast about for a cheaper substitute for the real article; and from my own experience, I can recommend the following:

...Okra or Gumbo. This makes the best coffee of any article that I have ever used as a substitute for coffee. The seed should be browned the same as coffee and makes a very palatable drink alone but is a little better if a little coffee is used with it. The plant is very productive and is easily grown. An ounce of the seed will produce enough for almost any family. The seed can be procured of any seedsman for 25 to 30 cents per ounce."

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